This eMod is applicable for all people and all organizations. You will explore what it means to live and be part of a culture and how to assess whether that culture is supportive of your personal and collective vision, mission and principles or resistant.
We live in a world of change.
Change is what life and living is all about?
when things don?t change, they die?
Culture is the integrated pattern of human behavior that includes: thought, speech, action and interaction. The culture of a group is the composite of the perceptions, attitudes, thinking, feeling and behaviors of all those involved in a particular community.
Culture evolves with or without planning and division.
Culture is the unwritten owner?s manual of life, to which we all adapt. Culture controls our lives; it is sometimes referred to as peer pressure or public opinion. Culture is the basis of our laws. Culture is what other people think?this includes the judgment of the self-righteous, the pre-judgment of the all-knowing and the prejudice of those who live in fear and whatever else is integrated into the process. Some parts of our culture are threatened by change therefore we often resist change??
This Animated Audio eMod is delivered by Dr Richard Jorgensen the founder and CEO of Life Skills U, the author of the Pocket Wisdom Series, and the engineer and creator of AwareComm?s Private Branded Learning Platform and AwareComm?s Personal Learning Technology.
In this eMod Dr Jorgensen will take you in a journey of change and culture (based on Pocket Wisdom Principles). You will learn key principles of change as it relates to our cultures at work, worship, home, school and play. You will learn about the root of all cultures, people and how they relate to one another coming from one of two states ? love or fear. Most importantly you will start to learn about leadership, followship and the difference between emotional self-authority and structural authority (which can be thoroughly explored in the Organizational Culture Program).
The eMod explores the causes of stress and anger in our cultures and relationships and in doing so give you a foundational understanding of:
- What Our Perceptions, Attitudes, Thinking and Behaviors Are and HOW They Affect and Infect Our Lives and Relationships
- What The 5 Stages of Relationships Are and HOW They Impact Our Emotional Development.
- What it Means to Think and be an Adult and HOW it Effects Our Life
- What it Means to Think and be a Child and HOW it Effects Our Life
- What it Means to Live in a World (Culture) of Fear vs. Trust
- How to Define Your Personal and Cultural Vision, Mission and Goals
- The Concept of LeaderSHIP and Follow-SHIP and How to Build the SHIP
- The Process of Destruction of Organizations and Leaders
- Why People Fear Leadership
- The Difference Between Control and Empowerment
The eMod explores the concept of: It?s not what you don?t know that is the problem it?s what you do know that ain?t so that is the problem, and provides you with a holistic understanding of organizational culture and change.
For effective, lasting and efficient change, you will need a proven process that allows for unlearning and relearning to occur ? the most effective program for this is The Transformational Learning Process (PLT eMods) Pocket Wisdom Series, specifically the Organizational Culture Program. If you want more information we encourage you to explore the FREE Excerpts of the Organizational Culture Program (available for download) and attend FREE Online Discussion Classes.
Remember to register for the FREE Online Facilitated Discussion Classes to explore the topics, ideas, methodologies, concepts, technologies, applications and solutions covered in the eMods.