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What are Success Packages?

PWI Success Packages are:

Designed OF the people Coming from real people with real problems that need real and practical solutions

Designed BY the people People who have found real long lasting Solutions and have contributed their insight for a common solution as Pocket Wisdom.

Designed FOR the people Reaching all stakeholders in a way that you not only receive the benefits but can add insight and put your Pocket Wisdom to create a true self-perpetuating, self-funding and self-regulating idiom that embrace The Whole is Greater Than The Sum of The Parts known as Pocket Wisdom.

Pocket Wisdom Insights is a grass roots movement committed to providing high quality, cost effective solutions to all people.

Pocket Wisdom Insights offers a balanced blend of affordable Success Packages. These Success Packages provide a structured, proven and personalized process to ensure the greatest individual results, while providing amazing discounts at affordable prices.Success Packages integrate a variety of features and components, such as Classes, eMod Software-Courseware, Coaching and a Personal PWI Advisor to assist you to build your personal plan.

The four types of Success Packages include: Prime, Pro, Pro Plus and Premier. Each Success Package builds upon the foundation Prime Package.The difference between Packages is the engagement of support as it relates to as to how fast or to what depth you want to achieve your goal.

The exciting part is that all Pocket Wisdom Insights Membership Levels provide the ability to purchase Success Packages AMAZING DISCOUNTS on the Success Packages (and more!) are associated with each Membership Level.

Featured Pocket Wisdom Insights Success Packages:
Discovery and Recovery   
Where "How" We Learn is as Important as "What" We Learn!

Regardless of where you start we at Pocket Wisdom Insights, want to get you started on the right foot. You have the opportunity to meet with your Personal eMod Advisor Online to get you oriented to the Apps, the Classrooms and to help personalize your experience to reach your goals. We look forward to being of service.

Each Discovery and Recovery Success Package is built upon the Prime Success Package which includes the Pocket Wisdom Insights Foundation eMod Buddy Apps (software-courseware), eMod Buddy App Advisors and the Online Live Classes.  Each additional Success Package adds support and features as overviewed below to enable the greatest success.  Enjoy the snapshot. 

Success Package Components

  • Part 1: Pocket Wisdom Insights Foundation eMod Buddy Apps
  • Part 2: Classes, Coaching and more
  • Optional Success Reporting
  • Proven Track Record

Part 1: Pocket Wisdom Insights Foundation eMod Buddy Apps
Included in:
Discovery Prime, Pro, ProPlus and Premier Success Packages
Recovery Prime, Pro, ProPlus and Premier Success Packages
(Software-Courseware -
Learn more on the "Look Inside" on top Navigation Bar)

  • Computer Viewings result in Information Awareness
  • Content is delivered with PLT to provide in a learning process that:
  • Dramatically enhances assimilation and retention of material, and
  • Engages all four quadrants of the brain to support a diversity learners from the gift to the challenged and everyone in between.
  • Chapter Content results in Information Understanding
  • Content from the Computer Viewings is reviewed with the ability to reinforce and engage the understanding process that:
  • Progressively develops and reinforces content comprehension skills
  • Reinforces what was learned; uncovers what was missed
  • Enables participants to gain confidence and familiarity in the content presented
  • Assess and Apply results in Information Confidence
  • In the privacy of your own space be able to:
  • Compare your understanding of the content with the full answer provides the opportunity to reinforce what we learned and re-learn what we overlooked providing confidence in our understanding of the content
  • Along with completing exercise or content understanding these are designed to create an experience that amplifies "how we learn" is as important as "what we learn" because how we learn will determine how we apply the information.
  • Together these 2 process provided a foundation and comfort for Sharing in the Topic Classes

Part 2: Classes, Coaching and more
Live Interaction to Create Information Experience

All Online Classes and 1-on-1s include - Live Voice, Video, Presentations Whiteboard and more

  • Live Online Discussion/Topic Classes
    (Included in:
    Discovery Prime, Pro, ProPlus and Premier Success Packages
    Recovery Prime, Pro, ProPlus and Premier Success Packages
  • Begin to gain comfort in exploring within a group the application of the principles
  • An environment to begin to practice utilizing the PWI Exercise
  • Buddy Advisor Meeting 1-on-1 Online Discussion
    (Included in:
    Discovery Pro, ProPlus and Premier Success Packages
    Recovery Pro, ProPlus and Premier Success Packages
  • Includes the opportunity to complete Your Self-Reflection
  • Then review Weekly Review w/ Your Self-Reflection and Progress with your Buddy Advisor to Support Your Moving Forward
  • Buddy Coach eMail Content Coaching"
    (Included in:
    Discovery ProPlus and Premier Success Packages
    Recovery ProPlus and Premier Success Packages
  • eMail Responds to Your Weekly eMod Chapter Assess and Apply Exercises to Enhance Your Understanding and Application of the Principles to your Life and
  • Assist in Asking Questions that will Open The Door to New Perspectives and Seeing What you may have Overlook or missed and to guide on how to get the most out of the Foundation RichEarl Exercises
  • Buddy Coach Touch n Go Coaching 1-on-1 Online Discussion
    (Included in:
    Discovery Premier Success Packages
    Recovery Premier Success Packages
  • Builds upon Your Content Coaching in broadening your sights
  • Facilitate Content Principles Application and Situational Application of Principles to YOUR Life enhanced by the power of the questions to broaden your ability to apply.

Optional Success Reporting

  • Success Confirmation Reporting
  • Provides accountability and regular summation of process, whether that be for yourself, an employer, courts or others in your life
  • Reporting is personalized for your needs

Proven Success 

Pocket Wisdom Insights Discovery: This clearly shows with a 95% (or greater assurance) that the 4.21 change in total mean difference is not due to chance. One can assume the alternate hypothesis is in effect which state that the change in total mean difference is due to the A.C.T. (program) intervention with the population under study, all things equal (Now Pocket Wisdom Insights Discovery eMod Buddy Success Package). Beto Escamilla Ph.D - Data Analyst LHFHC.   Details of this study are available on request.

Click to Explore Discovery Solutions Apps

Pocket Wisdom Insights Recovery: Based upon the HIMS Program used by the FAA which has a proven to have a greater the 90% Long-Term Recovery Success Rate.

Click to Explore Recovery Solutions Apps

Products (Total Items: 3)
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Pocket Wisdom Insights Annual Membership (Billed Monthly)
$ 9.95 /mo for 12 mo
Back Order. Free Shipping.
Pocket Wisdom Insights Annual Membership (Billed Annually)
$99.50 ann. 2 FREE Mo
In Stock. Free Shipping.
PWI Group Membership
$ 99.50 FREE w/Group Coupon
In Stock. Free Shipping.