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PWI Tracks

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We often go to others for advice.  However, people can only teach what they themselves have learned.  Just because people can RELATE and UNDERSTAND US, doesn’t mean they have a SOLUTION for us.  Guides who offer their solutions for YOUR life such as Peers, Ministers, Teachers and Counselors will have a profound impact on your life.  Regardless of how sincere they are and how much they care, we often interpret their insistence for truth (their truth) as our truth, and we accept their truth as “the truth.”

This impacts the beliefs we have about ourselves, others and the world around us.  If our beliefs (made up mostly of what other people think) are in conflict with OUR CORE VALUES then we feel unsure of ourselves, seek approval of others and need constant reinforcement.

At Pocket Wisdom Insights we believe all people deserve an environment in which they can experience the freedom and empowerment of their life’s passion, purpose, skill and wisdom.  Pocket Wisdom Insights supports people in uncovering and discovering of a new way of perceiving, experiencing, thinking, feeling, behaving, and relating to ourselves and others; learning about the “I” and the “We.”

Pocket Wisdom Insights provides people from all walks of life the means to explore a variety of principle-based tools and resources; encouraging and empowering people to become active participants in their own growth and learning and supplying proven and practical tools to make it a reality.
When we are given a road map to explain the “cause and effect” of the things in our life and concurrently understand the depth of our own values then we are able to more intuitively know what is best for their live.

However, it’s not just the “What” that Pocket Wisdom Insights opens the door to the “HOW.”  This understanding of “HOW” empowers us to trust our inner voice and sharpen the dimensions of our human experience.