
Pocket Wisdom Insights Principles
Teamwork Today

Teamwork is essential to the success of any organization. The past twenty years have produced many theories and strategies for building efficient and effective teams in organizations.

Total Quality Management and Total Quality Leadership have served as models for numerous adaptations of goal setting, quality control, shared decision making, communication, and analysis of information. These technical and administrative changes have provided an improved structure for teamwork.

But we are still in the dark as to how people change behavior patterns that prevent, limit, or destroy teamwork within organizations. It is an observable fact that despite expensive training, people and the groups to which they belong tend to return to established patterns of behavior over and over again.

What is needed in many organizations is a change in team culture.

Culture is the combined perceptions, attitudes, thinking, and behavior that people adapt to within organizations.

Culture is the environment--the soil in which relationship patterns are supported and grow.

If the organizational culture supports healthy interpersonal skills, the organization gets productive and fulfilling team relationships.

If the organizational culture supports unhealthy interpersonal skills, the organization gets unproductive and dysfunctional team relationships.

We all bring our well-developed patterns of behavior into team relationships. These patterns are the result of our beliefs, values, and perceptions.

Many of our beliefs and values are the result of the confused logic and emotional distortions left over from childhood and adolescence.

If we have never examined our beliefs and values:
  • They color the perception we have of ourselves.
  • They distort the way we see and label others.
  • They result in resistance to authority and change.
  • They make it difficult or impossible to learn new things.
  • They cause us to be defensive in our relationships.
  • They deprive us of fulfilling relationships at home, work, worship, and play.
Creating a True Team Culture is a process of:
  • Examining our beliefs and values about others and ourselves.
  • Evaluating our perceptions, attitudes, thinking, and behavior towards others and ourselves.
  • Un-learning the emotional/interpersonal patterns that prevent us from getting what we want in relationships.
  • Re-learning emotional/interpersonal skills that result in successful and fulfilling relationships.
To accomplish these goals, we will utilize an innovative process of education called eMod™ Learning Systems powered byPersonal Learning Technology (PLT).

eMods follow a prescribed sequence, which includes:
  • Viewing information on your computer
  • Reviewing the same information in your Study Guide
  • Completing "Assess and Apply" Assessments to discover what was learned or missed
  • and answering questions for personal application of the information
eMod™ Learning Systems, powered by Personal Learning Technology™ is the process of gathering all the information you need to make your own decisions about your life.

Creating a Team Culture is not a process of getting everyone to think and act alike.

Creating a Team Culture assures that a team reaches the desired goal as a result of the mutual exchange of individual creativity, compassion, and support.

Let’s begin this learning process of, “Creating a Team Culture Responsive to Change” in which everyone wins!

Your Next Steps

Don't Be Deceived.

Learn What You Need To Know,
Not Just What Someone Wants You To Know.