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Creating a Scalable Culture -The Core eMod
Creating a Scalable Culture -The Core eMod

Creating a Scalable Culture -The Core eMod

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Creating A Personal Culture: Cultures Responsive to Change

Culture is the integrated pattern of human behavior that
includes: thought, speech, action and interaction.

The culture of a group is the composite of
the perceptions, attitudes, thinking, feeling and behaviors
of all those involved in a particular community.
Culture evolves with or without planning and division.

Culture is the unwritten owner s manual of life, to which we all adapt.
Culture controls our lives; it is sometimes referred to as peer pressure or public opinion.

Culture is the basis of our laws. Culture is what other people think
this includes the judgment of the self-righteous, the pre-judgment of the all-knowing and
the prejudice of those who live in fear and whatever else is integrated into the process.
Some parts of our culture are threatened by change therefore we often resist change

Before there can be change the organization culture
(all people involved) must come to a collective agreement
to implement and support new programs.
Without this foundation, the very nature of the culture
that you wish to change will destroy change.
Individuals cannot change without the culture changing,
and the culture change cannot occur without the individual support.

Creating a Personal Culture: Cultures Responsive To Change eMod Buddy App , also known as Keeping Your Eye on the Ball, Pocket Wisdom for Change and Pocket Wisdom for Organizations: Creating a Culture Responsive to Change is the Transformational Training and Learning PLT eMod that builds a common group culture at home, work, worship, and play.

Creating a Personal Culture: Cultures Responsive To Change PLT eMod Buddy App provides standardized individual education to create unity in the collective.

This PLT eMod has proven to effectively and consistently unite and transform cultures overcoming learning challenges (such as dyslexia, poor concentration) and barriers to learning (such as fear, anger and resistance to change). For a detailed overview of the proven success and implementation of this eMod we suggest you review the Interactive White Paper: The Case Studies Document.


This PLT eMod offers practical solutions for people of all ages, learning styles and challenges. Everyone can and does benefit from this transformational learning (unlearning and relearning) experience that allows you to grow in a non-confrontational, non-threatening and non-disclosing learning environment.

Your Creating a Personal Culture: Cultures Responsive To Change eMod Buddy App learning experience includes:

  • PLT Computer Viewings
  • 5 Step eMod Learning Process
  • Interactive Study Guides
  • Feedback Self-Assessments
  • FREE Online Facilitated Discussion Classes
  • Custom Facilitated Discussion Classes
  • Learner APP Opportunities
  • Self-Evaluation
  • Content Coaching (Optional)
  • Professional Progress Reports (Optional)
  • Monitoring (Optional)
  • Socratic Questioning
  • 9 Multiple Intelligences
  • Brain-Balanced Learning
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • RichEarl Awareness Exercises
  • Transformational Learning (Unlearning and Relearning)
  • Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence (IQ, EQ, SQ)
  • Overcomes Learning Challenges (ADD/ADHD, Poor Concentration, Dyslexia)


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