
Tonight Dr. Jorgensen addressed so many issues. I really do hope that I may grow to be more like him in mind and attitude - what a truly inspirational and enlightened man he is.
And I love the way he can laugh at life and himself. I fell so privileged to be able to talk with him, in the Co-Lab™
." ~~ M. Auckock, Senior Lecturer WITS University (August 14th, 2018)
"I just wanted to say how good talking to you was for me. Thank you for taking the time and for introducing me to Kami-lovely to see your connection. Narrative ideas and Michael White felt very present.

So much to think about, I would just like to share a few of my reflections.

The story of you and your horse, reminded me of the gentleness and wisdom of animals-I remember the comfort of a horse feeling your feelings. This led me to think of the work I had done over the years and how often I would just sit with the chaos of others feelings who came to consult with me. Someone once talked of holding onto hope and how sometimes we need to do that for each other.

I liked the way you described working with similarity and difference-the idea of how we can compliment each other and how that makes us together, so much stronger. This chimed with some of the central principles of narrative that is we are all experts of our own lives, the problem is the problem, the person is not the problem, and we are all people through people. Your conversations reminded me of the joy the workshops were, places for people to collaborate and work together to make lives better.

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me, I look forward to our next meeting in the Co-Lab™. "
~~ A. Clilverd, Chairperson Pets as Therapy (August 15th, 2018)
"I am grateful to you Richard, for the in-depth sharing of your faith and experiences.... You have gone a long way in this Journey of telling the truth. May your light continue to shine until the end of time. Thank you for being open to us, thank you for the inspiring wisdom you shared with us, thank you for inviting us to join hands together....

Working together shall be our Motto. We want to be a part of the Co-Lab™, part of the solution.

Working with you (Co-Labs™), I am very much convinced that it will foster an understanding and enhancement of awareness, (perceptions, thinking, creativity, communication and Research).

Hence, in order to implement the harmony and effectiveness of the wisdom you shared with us, we promise to be:
- Constantly collaborating and communicating with you or with the team, and
- Mutually committed to each other and the common goal."
~~ Fr Santo Ojok Founder of Tochi Youth Resource Centre (Uganda) and Pastoral Coordinator for the Catholic Church, Gulu (May 31st, 2018)


"...The biggest question you raised was, how many people do we reach effectively as the Church by being able to communicate the truth?

You clearly lamented that the message of the catholic church is lost, when you see and hear what is happening within the church. You continued that trust must be built and Love must reign.

We need to re-establish trust.

As for our Uganda/Tochi Youth Resource Centre Co-Lab™, we must get topics of interest and inject into the Centre to become a way of life.

This is the gate way through which the Students and the community can be helped to understand the truth.I am now looking forward to working with you and to learn all the wisdom that shall come from you and from the team with whom you are in partnership....

I am very happy to be part of the Global partners working with you as co-creator of God to perfect the world through awareness communication technology.."
~~ Fr Santo Ojok Founder of Tochi Youth Resource Centre (Uganda) and Pastoral Coordinator for the Catholic Church, Gulu (August 17th, 2018)

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