Lasting Change and Learning
Learning is a part of change, and change is a part of life.True learning and long-term change requires acceptance and agreement. What does this mean?
- If directions do not come from employees - their will be COMPLIANCE, BUT NEVER ACCEPTANCE.
- If directions do not come from patients - their will be COMPLIANCE, BUT NEVER ACCEPTANCE.
- If directions do not come from students - they will learn WHAT to THINK, BUT NEVER HOW to THINK.

The result of all these examples above is short-term change and limited thinking, value and application of tasks and lessons beyond what is required.
Personal Emotional Strength are the Critical Thinking Skills of Emotionally Mature, Balanced Thinkers, Capable of Taking Self and Shared - Authority, Responsibility and Accountability for Their Lives and Environments.
THE KEY ISSUE IS PEOPLE NEED TO BE GIVEN AUTHORITY, in order to become invested and actively engage in the change and learning that is occurring. This means that when decisions occur that affect them, they have a VOICE. How do you give all stakeholders a VOICE? It's not easy... but its achievable with a PWI Co-Lab Incubator.